Olympia (360) 915-9763 Tumwater (360) 764-8915 Russian River is back in stock, just in time for H California Navel Oranges, $1.69 lb! Happy Friday! Cougar Gold Cheese has arrived! Russian River Brewing is back in stock for a limit Ft. George 6-Packs are $9.99 for a limited time! Washington grown jumbo cauliflower! Kiwi berries, 3.99!! Fresh hop season is in full swing! New crop Honeycrisp Apples are just 99¢ lb! New Crop Honeycrisp Apples are in, $1.29 lb!! 1lb strawberries, $3.99! Another Friday, another round! Cheers to the weekend! Fresh Russian River has landed! Time to celebrate the weekend! Northwest grown new crop Bartlett and Red pears, $ 2lb Strawberries are just $4.99 while supplies las Time for another round! New crop Washington grown Rave Apples, $1.99 lb! Load More Follow on Instagram Our Locations